„Trebuie să fim nebuni să permitem jihadiștilor să intre pe pământul nostru”

Discursuri ținute de liderul Partidului Independenței Marii Britanii (UKIP), Nigel Farage, în plenul Parlamentului European pe tema valului migrator care vine în Europa din Orientul Mijlociu.

„Trebuie să fim nebuni să permitem jihadiștilor să intre pe pământul nostru”

9 septembrie 2015
Dezbatere: State of the Union – Statement by the President of the Commission – [2015/2738(RSP)]

„In addition we see as I warned earlier evidence that ISIS are now using this route to put their jihadists on European soil. We must be mad to take this risk with the cohesion of our societies. If we want to help genuine refugees, if we want to protect our societies, if we want to stop the criminal trafficking gangs from benefitting as they are, we must stop the boats coming as the Australians did and then we can assess who qualifies for refugee status.”

„Planul de azil al UE este o amenințare la adresa civilizației noastre”

29 aprilie 2015
Dezbatere: Report of the extraordinary European Council meeting (23 April 2015) – The latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies – European Council and Commission statements [2015/2660(RSP)]

„The definitions for who qualifies for asylum are so wide they include not just people coming from war, not just people coming from failed states. I’m sorry, we simply can’t accept countless millions. Already in countries like mine, 77% of the population say, we cannot take immigration at current levels.

But there is a real and genuine threat. When ISIS say they want to flood our continent with half a million Islamic extremists, they mean it, and there is nothing in this document that will stop those people from coming. Indeed I fear we face a direct threat to our civilisation if we allow a large number of people from that war-torn region into Europe.”

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