„This is it! No more bullying! No more Guy Verhofstadt!” (Nigel Farage in his final speech before the European Parliament)
Finally the will of the British people has been accomplished: as of February 1st, 2020, Brexit is a fact!
„I’ve become an outright opponent of the entire European Union project. I want Brexit to start a debate across the rest of Europe. What do we want from Europe? If we want trade, friendship, cooperation, reciprocity, we dont need an European Commission; we dont need an European court; we dont need these institutions and all of this power. And i can promise you, we love Europe, we just hate the European Union! So i hope this begins the end of this project. Its a bad project, undemocratic, antidemocratic and it gives power without accountability.”
„There is a historic battle going on right now across the West, in Europe, American and elsewhere between globalism and populism. And you may loathe populism, but i’ll tell you a funny thing: it becomes very popular!”
(European Parliament, Brussels, 22 January 2020)
To the guy who got things done, to Mr Nigel Farage – we are looking forward to working with you in the future as sovereign independent states!
E finalul! Nu mai mult bullying! Nu mai Guy Verhofstadt!” (Nigel Farage in discursul sau final in fata Parlamentului European)
In sfarsit, vointa poporului britanic a fost indeplinita: incepand cu 1 februarie 2020, Brexit este un fapt!
„M-am transformat intr-un adversar deschis al intregului proiect al Uniunii Europene. Vreau ca Brexit sa inceapa un dialog in restul Europei. Ce vrem de la Europa? Daca vrem comert, prietenie, cooperare, reciprocitate, nu avem nevoie de o Comisie Europeana; nu avem nevoie de o instanta europeana; nu avem nevoie de aceste institutii si toata puterea asta. Si va pot promite, iubim Europa, doar detestam Uniunea Europeana! Asa ca sper ca acesta este inceputul sfarsitului acestui proiect. Este un proiect prost, nedemocratic, antidemocratic si da putere fara responsabilitate.